When To Quit

When To Quit

The Dip.png

This Episode’s Top Tips

  1. We've got to give up the notion that winners never quit. Persistence doesn't guarantee success - we can persist at the wrong things forever and never make progress.

  2. There are two curves we've got to look for when starting something new - the dip and the cul-de-sac. A cul-de-sac is a dead end. The dip is the point where things start to get hard - we've got to stop quitting things when they get hard and embrace the dip.

  3. We'll often stick out things we should quit. There are a lot of reasons that we might stick something out like the sunk cost fallacy or the planning fallacy. Regardless of why we're sticking around, once we realize that we're in a dead-end we've got to accept that we need to quit and try something new.

Mentioned in This Episode

The Dip

Newton's Occult Studies

Just Married

Building Gratitude

Building Gratitude

Rationalization and the Stories We Tell Ourselves

Rationalization and the Stories We Tell Ourselves