Building Gratitude

Building Gratitude

This Episode's Top Tips

  1. Gratitude is showing thanks and appreciation and it has a tremendous impact on our brains. Gratitude can help us release build our relationships, regulate stress, improve sleep quality, build self-esteem and make us happier.

  2. One way we can practice gratitude is through mindfulness and seeing all the things in our lives that are going right. It's easy for us to latch onto the negative things that happen during our day. We'll miss all the things that went right because when things go according to plan they can often become invisible.

  3. We can also practice gratitude by journaling or writing a letter to someone in our lives that has greatly impacted us.

Mentioned in This Episode

Thanks A Thousand

How to Give Yourself Some Slack

How to Give Yourself Some Slack

When To Quit

When To Quit