One Year of Podcast: Interview with Kari Gormley

One Year of Podcast: Interview with Kari Gormley

This week's a little bit different - today you're going to be hearing an interview I had with my friend Kari Gormley - now I say interview with a bit of hesitation because our conversation absolutely did not start out that way.

Kari is a Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner, Coach, and Trainer as well as a fellow podcaster - her show is The Flourishing Experiment

I was having a zoom call with Kari and we were just chatting to catch up on a few things and I had mentioned that I had just passed the one year mark on my podcast. She started asking some questions about it and then went wait wait wait, we need to record this and so we shifted into recording mode and went from there - I know, that's a pretty ADHD way to record a podcast.

In this episode you get to hear about some of my lessons learned from podcasting for 1 year - we talk about some of the systems I use, gratitude, and get into something like how long it takes me to produce an episode from start to finish.

Mentioned in this Episode

The Flourishing Experiment

Automating Your ADHD Life

Automating Your ADHD Life

Give Yourself Some Slack: Self-Compassion (Part 2)

Give Yourself Some Slack: Self-Compassion (Part 2)